DLP Schools Summary: Chaik Zone

SN County Sub County School Date of Installation
Hard Disk
Routers Projectors More Details
1 Kericho Belgut Tagabi 08/31/16 2 70 1 1 1 More Details
2 Kericho Belgut Tilwet 01/30/17 2 17 1 1 1 More Details
3 Kericho Belgut Saramek 'B' 09/06/17 2 46 1 1 1 More Details
4 Kericho Belgut Finlay Flower Ii 09/06/17 2 68 1 1 1 More Details
5 Kericho Belgut Kerenga 09/06/17 2 100 1 1 1 More Details
6 Kericho Belgut Kipketer 10/05/17 2 115 1 1 1 More Details
7 Kericho Belgut Kiptetan 10/05/17 2 39 1 1 1 More Details
8 Kericho Belgut Kitumbe 10/05/17 2 100 1 1 1 More Details
9 Kericho Belgut Marinyin 10/05/17 2 64 1 1 1 More Details
10 Kericho Belgut Masobet 10/05/17 2 31 1 1 1 More Details
11 Kericho Belgut Saosa 10/05/17 2 70 1 1 1 More Details
12 Kericho Belgut Kapsongoi 10/05/17 2 45 1 1 1 More Details
13 Kericho Belgut Ahp 10/05/17 2 83 1 1 1 More Details
14 Kericho Belgut Finlay Flower 1 10/05/17 2 43 1 1 1 More Details
Totals 28 891 14 14 14
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Tagabi
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 08/31/16
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 70
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Tilwet
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 01/30/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 17
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Saramek 'B'
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 09/06/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 46
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Finlay Flower Ii
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 09/06/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 68
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Kerenga
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 09/06/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 100
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Kipketer
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 115
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Kiptetan
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 39
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Kitumbe
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 100
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Marinyin
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 64
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Masobet
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 31
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Saosa
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 70
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Kapsongoi
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 45
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Ahp
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 83
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details
County: Kericho
Sub County: Belgut
Zone: Chaik
School: Finlay Flower 1
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yy): 10/05/17
Teachers Devices: 2
Learner Devices: 43
Routers: 1
Projectors: 1
Hard Disk Drives: 1
More Details